Thursday, February 25, 2010

Through The Ages - Room One Inquiry

Our successes with inquiry this term are that the children know the Poroutawhao Inquiry intersection very well, so I haven't had to go through this with them in great depth this term. I have however touched upon it because of the new children in the school. Our focus has been on the questioning techniques through the use of Solo Taxonomy. Children are really starting to think deeply about what questions to ask and the impact of their questioning on the answers they are finding to these questions.

Our inquiry topic has provided our children with a lot of motivation and are really into finding out about themselves and their ancestory, also about the taonga that are important to their families.

This too however, has posed a challenge in that the answers to questions aren't easily accessible through the use of computers and books. Children have had to brush up on their interviewing skills and have had to use people resources. This has been challenging for children as a lot of their sources are not so easily accessible. Children are also have to reflect on the type of questioning that they are askng as the answers to certain questions aren't achieveable.

Once all of our research has been found we intend to present on voicethread and as a scrapbooking piece.

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