Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Room 3 - Term 1 2009

We have been sharing with room 4 a guest speaker from the police and talking about traditional tales that explore the idea of telling lies, and making wrong choices. Using the "good" and making the "right choices" a book from the police we have discusssed good and bad choices with reference to SOLO and HATS. We have not yet got to the intersection.

Room 4 - Term 1 2009

We have been introduced to our new learning intersection model. We have begun exploring our topic "Order in the Court" by reading stories, having a guest seaker from the police department, talking about Right and Wrong, and using information about making right choices from "good". We have started using Multistructural thinking to list choices that wrong.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Room One Inquiry - Term One

Hello all. Great start back to 2009. The one thing that has gone really well with my class this year are my children. They are great, they have carried on with the already learnt knowledge of our inquiry intersection. Our inquiry intersection is becoming embedded within our children. Thank you Fiona for the children who have come through to my class with this knowledge. With our classroom inquiry 'Order in the Court' we are at the stage of finding information from various sources of information to answer our own questions, which were generated through our ask session. An activity which was exciting and interesting for my class was at the exploring stage, where we had the local police educational officer in, who took 2 sessions on law and rules. This session was very interactive and really had the children thinking and questioning the topic of law and order.

Room 5.

Its been hard getting back into the swing of inquiry after being on leave. My children have all been able to give a definition about rules. I am really happy with the results that I got from this. We have just started to introduce solo which is a slow process and I am hoping to get the kids to assess their own defintion. We have just gone on to ask. Our question is How can we fix a problem after breaking a rule? We will be doing some role-plays and I want the children to use the video camera to record these. I also have a range of people coming to talk to the kids i.e. neighbourhood support co-ordinator, fire safety educator and a police person. The kids are really looking forward to the ride in the police car.