Friday, February 26, 2010

Room 3

The inquiry in our class this term has been fantastic for being able to introduce SOLO to the children and to really work on and understand how it can help us improve our thinking. The children have found it really valuable using SOLO to improve their questions and rate their thinking. It has been difficult working in groups as this inquiry appears to be taking the children on very personal independent inquiries, on the other hand it has been wonderful learning about the kids and where they have come from. I also believe that the kids are very highly motivated to participate in this as they are learning more about themselves and their whanau. We have started asking questions but mostly on a very simple level. Some children are asking questions like "Who am I named after?" but others are starting to think more indepth and ask questions like "What boat did my family arrive in NZ on?" and " Which people in my family were in the war?". Next week the children are going to begin finding the information for their questions and it will be interesting to see if some of the children are able to identify that they need to work on what they are wanting to find out and improving their questions. It has been wonderful going on this journey with the children, particularly with SOLO and De Bono's thinking hats as I have not felt very confident at implementing this in the past. I am looking forward to completing this inquiry with my children and looking back at our successes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Room 2

I have found the concept of this inquiry difficult in the fact that it doesn't lend itself to group interaction in the sense that it is a personal inquiry. On the other hand, because of this, it has allowed our focus for this term of asking questions to not be lost in amongst all the other things that an inquiry involves. The children have been very motivated to get into it because it is about them adn their family.
We have spent a lot of time on SOLO, and increasing our understanding of this and how we can use it. We have linked all of the discussions about questioning to SOLO and asking ourselves what type of thinking are we doing when we answer this question? We looked a lot at the different levels of SOLO and how none of them were "bad", and sometimes we need to think at different levels for different tasks.
The class have now come up with their own questions, derived from the four subsidiary questions we chose as a class. Some of these I have left at a lower level of thinking, rather than getting the kids to rework them. This is so that we can discuss any other questions they may have needed to ask and whether they actually got the information they were hoping for. Some of the kids have already decided that they didn't have the right question to start with and so have reworked it themselves.
Next week we will start to understand and present our information.

Through the Ages

Through the Ages has created some excellent discussions with the children about what are considered valuable or treasures. The best thing has been the variety of things that are or families consider as valuable. Some are material items like spoons, people who are important through to special awards family members have recieved. This has brought about thoughful discussion and the thinking of some being unistructural through to relational and hopefully by the time we get finished there will be extended abstract thoughts.
We read the book Wilfred Gordan MacDonald Partridge and discussed elder family members.
I have found trying to fit the Inquiry in much harder this term especially with other afternoon activities. At the moment we are at different stages some still asking questions and others finding out more information on their family. Some of the children have needed help from home to answer some of the questions they have asked in class and have not come back with the answers.


In Room 5 my own personal success so far has been just getting my head around the inquiry process and how I can most effectively implement this into my classroom practice.

We are still in the exploring stage of our inquiry. This has been a time for us to share and learn about each other as we explore story books to prompt discussions and activities. I have found the use of picture books to be an effective tool for motivating discussion and ideas. Some of the books we have looked at have been; The Treaure by Melanie Drewey, The Talking Stick by Dot Meharry, Wilfred Gordon MacDonald Partridge by Mem Fox. These books have all provided valuable starting points for discussions around what we value, what stories do we want to tell and what memories do we have.

A challenge is finding the time to fit Inquiry in our timetables with other activities taking up he afternoons.

Next week we are going to start asing questions and developing ideas around what questions we have that we want to find out about.

Through The Ages

In room seven we have been discussing family histories. We have worked on our questioning and listening skills and have had some interesting discussions. The children have questioned their parents and grandparents about where they are from and about what life was like for them as children. This information they have brought back to school and shared with the class. They have gotten excited about learning this new information and have questioneed me on my history and that of my parents.
We have also worked on them looking at their themselves and building an understanding of their own personalities and what makes them special. The children have choosen a person, parent grandparent, friend extra who is a treasure to them. We have discussed and written about these people and why they are special. As far as our development through the solo taxonomy the class is generally at the unistructural stage.

Through The Ages - Room One Inquiry

Our successes with inquiry this term are that the children know the Poroutawhao Inquiry intersection very well, so I haven't had to go through this with them in great depth this term. I have however touched upon it because of the new children in the school. Our focus has been on the questioning techniques through the use of Solo Taxonomy. Children are really starting to think deeply about what questions to ask and the impact of their questioning on the answers they are finding to these questions.

Our inquiry topic has provided our children with a lot of motivation and are really into finding out about themselves and their ancestory, also about the taonga that are important to their families.

This too however, has posed a challenge in that the answers to questions aren't easily accessible through the use of computers and books. Children have had to brush up on their interviewing skills and have had to use people resources. This has been challenging for children as a lot of their sources are not so easily accessible. Children are also have to reflect on the type of questioning that they are askng as the answers to certain questions aren't achieveable.

Once all of our research has been found we intend to present on voicethread and as a scrapbooking piece.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Term 1 - 2010, (Through the Ages)

Kia ora everyone,

I have been around the classes and spoken to some students about where they are at with this term's Inquiry - Through the Ages. They seem very well motivated and in general have done the background work at home in choosing something to focus in on, this being either someone or something that has connections with their families past.

I also like some of the question coming through like, "how much am I like ?????" or why is this ????? so important to our family, or "why is our family name?????.

It is also very apparent that information sources will mostly be contained to other family members and these inquiry will be very personal and don't lend themselves to many opportunitites to work in groups.

Lets get on with these and quickly wind them up. I do want to culminate in quality sharing time in your classes and in school assembly, (for some). The other critical area is on class blogs so that parents and other whanau can see and hear about findings at home.


Neil Hirini


Welcome back to our inquiry journey for 2010!
We will continue to post where we are at with our inquiry, our successes and challenges and how our children at Poroutawhao School are engaging with their learning.