Thursday, October 16, 2008

Inquiry Progress Update

We had a fantastic staff meeting yesterday where we made great progress with our matrix as our assessment tool for the inquiry process. Our model is now finalised and up and running in all classes. The children are responding to it really well. SOLO has also now been implemented into all classes, and teachers are finding that the children are catching on to the thinking easier than what we thought. We have used SOLO as the basis for a self assessment on our school value of participation, which was our focus from last term. The children in Room 2 first of all defined what participation was and then focused on their own participation in the school production. They self assessed this against the rubrics that we created as a staff for this purpose. As we get more confident ourselves we will involve the children more in the construction of the rubrics.
Above is our finalsed inquiry model, which is based on our learning theme of a journey along the highway (being situated on State Highway 1).
We have also created a handbook to work alongside our model so that as a staff we all know what each stage means.

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