Friday, May 30, 2008

Milestone 1 - 2008

Well done everyone. Our first milestone for the, "I Can' We Can" ICT development cluster has now been completed. It most certainly outlines the fantastic progress we are making in achiving our primary ICT goal for the year of shifting from learning about and with ICT to learning through ICT. This has mainly come about by your true belief in the power of the ICT tool to improve current learning outcomes for our students and the importance of this tool for their future lives. It has then cme about by your willingness to take on new ideas, when convinced of the value of them, and to work hard to implement change. I look forward to continuing on with our current development focus which is the analysis and assessment of what currently is Inquiry in our school which I am sure will lead to improvements in this area. A special acknowledgemt to our lead teachers. Thanks a lot.

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